
Montain and Winter Cold Weather

The mountains are good for the soul

I have never in my life claimed to be an adventurer or outdoors lover – until I started hiking in the mountains. With the lovely, lush green forests and foothills, the tantalizing teal lakes hidden away like a secret prize waiting to be found, and those stunning sky-high jagged peaks, it was love at first sight. But more than that, hiking in the mountains became an immediate passion because of the way it made me feel. I was able to just be the real me and connect with the version of myself that felt the most authentic and true.

the pink backpack travel blog - i left my heart in the mountains

Being surrounded by the mountains has a powerful effect on something deeper. It’s as if being amidst something greater than ourselves, changes our perspective and insight on life and the things that really matter. Somehow without trying, you are able to confront your demons, re-evaluate your problems or your goals or your desires – you are able to widen your perspective and reflect on ‘the big picture’.

the pink backpack travel blog - i left my heart in the mountains

They have healing powers

Call me crazy or cliche or what ever..but there is no denying it. Maybe it’s that dose of fresh mountain air, the exercise or the litres of water I drink when I’m hiking, but I swear to you that after a visit to the mountains I feel enormously better. It’s as if there is an energy source in those summits that you can tap into and feed off of. Getting out there literally fuels you and rebalances you; you will notably feel more calm and happy, and less irritable or anxious. There was never a time that I left the mountains without feeling refreshed, happy and inspired – ready to take on anything that came my way.

the pink backpack travel blog - i left my heart in the mountains

Jumping for joy on top of a mountain


Road to Eye-catching Landscape

Creating an eye-catching landscape involves a combination of artistic vision, technical skills, and understanding the natural elements around you. Whether you’re a photographer, painter, or someone looking to enhance their surroundings, here’s a road map to help you achieve an eye-catching landscape:

  1. Research and Planning:
  • Location Scouting: Identify potential locations that offer interesting landscapes. This could be natural settings like mountains, beaches, forests, or urban landscapes with unique architecture.
  • Weather and Lighting: Understand how different weather conditions and lighting can impact the mood of your landscape. Sunrise and sunset often provide the most dramatic lighting.
  1. Composition:
  • Rule of Thirds: Divide your frame into a 3×3 grid and position key elements along these lines or at their intersections.
  • Foreground, Middleground, Background: Create depth by incorporating elements in the foreground, middleground, and background. This adds visual interest and a sense of scale.
  1. Use of Leading Lines:
  • Incorporate natural or man-made lines that guide the viewer’s eyes through the landscape. Examples include rivers, roads, or tree branches.
  1. Framing:
  • Utilize natural elements like trees or arches to frame the main subject. This helps draw attention to the focal point.
  1. Capture Golden Hour:
  • Shoot during the golden hour—shortly after sunrise or before sunset—when the light is warm and soft, casting long shadows and creating a pleasing atmosphere.
  1. Understand Your Gear:
  • Know your camera or painting tools well. This includes understanding exposure settings, focal lengths, and the capabilities of your equipment.
  1. Post-Processing (Photography):
  • Use photo editing software to enhance colors, contrast, and sharpness. Be careful not to over-edit; aim for a natural and appealing look.
  1. Emphasize Focal Points:
  • Identify the key elements in your landscape and ensure they stand out. This could be a striking tree, a mountain peak, or an interesting architectural feature.
  1. Experiment with Perspectives:
  • Don’t be afraid to try different angles and viewpoints. This can add a unique touch to your work.
  1. Patience and Persistence:
  • Great landscapes often require patience. Wait for the right light, weather, or a specific moment to capture the scene at its best.
  1. Tell a Story:
  • Consider what story or emotion you want to convey through your landscape. A compelling narrative can make your work more engaging.
  1. Continuous Learning:
    • Stay inspired and keep learning. Attend workshops, read books, and study the works of other artists or photographers to enhance your skills and creative vision.

Remember, creating eye-catching landscapes is a journey of exploration and expression. Enjoy the process and allow your unique perspective to shine through in your work.